Category: Innovation

The Future is Now: How Mojo🔥 is Outpacing Python at 90000X Speed

The Future is Now: How Mojo🔥 is Outpacing Python at 90000X Speed

Calling all AI wizards and machine learning mavericks! Get ready to be blown away by Mojo, a revolutionary new programming language designed specifically to conquer the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence.

Just last year, Modular Inc. unveiled Mojo, and it’s already making waves. But here’s the real kicker: Mojo isn’t just another language; it’s a “hypersonic” language on a mission to leave the competition in the dust. We’re talking about a staggering 90,000 times faster than the ever-popular Python! I wanted to share a minor disclaimer there, this is not the “Official” benchmark by The Computer Language Benchmark Game or anything institutional, it is all Modular’s internal benchmarking!

That’s right, say goodbye to hours of agonizing wait times while your AI models train. With Mojo, you’ll be churning out cutting-edge algorithms at lightning speed. Imagine the possibilities! Faster development cycles, quicker iterations, and the ability to tackle even more complex AI projects – the future is wide open.

Mind-Blowing Speed and an Engaged Community

But speed isn’t the only thing Mojo boasts about. Launched in August 2023, this open-source language (open-sourced just last month, on March 29th, 2024!) has already amassed a loyal following, surpassing a whopping 17,000 stars on its GitHub repository. That’s a serious testament to the developer community’s excitement about Mojo’s potential.

The momentum continues to build. As of today, there are over 2,500 active projects on GitHub utilizing Mojo, showcasing its rapid adoption within the AI development space.

Unveiling the Magic Behind Mojo

So, what’s the secret sauce behind Mojo’s mind-blowing performance? The folks at Modular Inc. are keeping some of the details close to their chest, but we do know that Mojo is built from the ground up for AI applications. This means it leverages advancements in compiler technology and hardware acceleration, specifically targeting the types of tasks that AI developers face every day (SIMD, vectorisation, and parallelisation)

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the advantages:

  • Multi-Paradigm Muscle: Mojo is a multi-paradigm language, offering the flexibility of imperative, functional, and generic programming styles. This allows developers to choose the most efficient approach for each specific task within their AI project.
  • Seamless Python Integration: Don’t worry about throwing away your existing Python code. Mojo plays nicely with the vast Python ecosystem, allowing you to leverage existing libraries and seamlessly integrate them into your Mojo projects.
  • Expressive Syntax: If you’re familiar with Python, you’ll feel right at home with Mojo’s syntax. It builds upon the familiar Python base, making the learning curve much smoother for experienced developers.

The Future of AI Development is Here

If you’re looking to push the boundaries of AI and machine learning, then Mojo is a game-changer you can’t afford to miss. With several versions already released, including the most recent update in March 2024 (version 0.7.2), the language is constantly evolving and incorporating valuable community feedback.

Dive into the open-source community, explore the comprehensive documentation, and unleash the power of Mojo on your next groundbreaking project. The future of AI is here, and it’s moving at breakneck speed with Mojo leading the charge! Go ahead and get it here

One Trick Pony

Just be warned that Mojo is not general purpose in nature and Python will win hands down on generic computational tasks due to,

  • Libraries –
    • Python boasts an extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, such as TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, and PyTorch, with over 137,000 libraries.
    • Mojo has a developing library ecosystem but significantly lags behind Python in this regard.
  • Compatibility and Integration –
    • Python is known for its compatibility and integration with various programming languages and third-party packages, making it flexible for projects with complex dependencies.
    • Mojo, while generally interoperable with Python, falls short in terms of integration and compatibility with other tools and languages.
  • Popularity (Availability of devs)
    • Python is a highly popular programming language with a large community of developers and data scientists.
    • Mojo, being introduced in 2023, has a much smaller community and popularity compared to Python.
    • It is just now open sourced, has limited documentation, and is targeted at developers with system programming experience.
    • According to the TIOBE Programming Community Index, a programming language popularity index, Python consistently holds the top position.
    • In contrast, Mojo is currently ranked 174th and has a long way to go.
How to measure Engineering Productivity?

How to measure Engineering Productivity?

The fact that you clicked on this article tells me that you are leading/heading a Team, group or an entire Engineering function and most likely a fast-paced startup. Assume the following,

It was a regular weekday, and your CEO/CTO asked the most intriguing question.

Do we measure Engineering Productivity? How do we fare? What can we do to improve it?

Well, if your boss’s name is not Elon Musk or if you do not work for Twitter, you can still be saved. Go on and read through. I know it is a long read.

What is Engineering Productivity?

As with anything you’re trying to improve, it starts with measuring the right data. So, you can actually track the right metrics. This data will form the basis of your analysis and baseline. I strongly recommend you don’t change anything about your current engineering process before you can collect sex weeks’ worth of data about your processes. If you start working on processes, you could end up with a Survivorship Basis.

You should have sufficient historical data to make comparisons. On top of that, most teams work in sprints of two weeks, so six weeks of data allows you to collect data for at least three different sprints. This will give you the allowances for any spikes and eliminate any unusual stress or slack on the execution.

Next, you should make gradual changes to the engineering process to see what improves or impedes the value delivery. It’s ideal to only implement one change at a time, so you can see the effect of each change, with all other things being equal. (it never is :D)

For example, if your engineering squads suffer from significant technical debt, you may want to build an additional stub related to feature completion. Every time an engineer completes a new feature, they must document the new feature. This could mean describing the feature, how is it built, what are the outcomes, how it interacts with other functions and the reasoning behind the design decisions.

By continuously measuring engineering productivity metrics, you can determine if this change has positively impacted the developers’ productivity.

How Is Engineering Productivity Measured?

There are potentially 100s of metrics you can measure for an Engineering Org. Here are four key metrics that will help you to get started with measuring engineering productivity. And I have consciously excluded the Sprint Velocity.

4 Prime Directives of Engineering Metrics

1. The One Metrics to rule them all metrics – Cycle Time 

Software development cycle time measures the amount of time from work started to work delivered. It is a metric “borrowed” from lean manufacturing, and it is one of the most important metrics for software development teams. In plain speak, cycle time measures the amount of time from the first commit to production release.

2. The Oracle of an Engineering Leader – Release Frequency 

You should measure how often you deploy new changes to your customers (production). In addition, you can track deployments to various branches/instances, such as feature branches, hotfix branches, or QA branches. This data would show you how long it takes for a feature/fix to move through the different development stages. In addition, the Release Frequency reflects the throughput of your team. It’s a good stand-in replacement for Agile Velocity, so you don’t spook your Engineers and you are not blind as well.

3. The Guardrail – Number of Bugs

You should definitely track the number of bugs that your team has to resolve within 2 sprints of releasing a feature. This metric helps you to understand the quality of your code better. Higher-quality code should display fewer bugs after feature deployment.

While there are derivative and more evolved metrics like Defect Density, Mean Time to Detect (MTtD), Mean Time to Resolve (MTrR) and Code coverage, those onces makes sense after you’ve taken stock of and address the prime metric “ No: of Bugs” first.

If you want a more detailed list, methodology of QA metrics, refer the links given below. 

4. What is your “Blocker” – Review to Merge Time (RTMT)

This may look like a zoom-in on “Cycle time” metric we discussed earlier. But, in fact it is very different. In fact, it is an interesting metric suggested by GitLab’s development handbook. 

You should measure the time between asking for a pull request (PR) review and merging the PR. Ideally, you want to reduce the time a feature spends in the review state (or pending review state). A high RTMT prevents developers from progressing while they wait for feedback and encourages context-switching between different issues/features.

Arguably, Context-Switching is the highest productivity killer and should be avoided as much as possible

So, why would you measure all these engineering productivity metrics?

Why Is Measuring Engineering Productivity Important?

When you’re a “fast-growing startup”, it’s important to keep an eye on engineering productivity. It happens that these startups favour growth through feature delivery at the cost of effectively scaling the engineering team and ensuring the team’s efficiency.

I hear your question.

But, why does my CEO/VP/MD not understand?

Answer is simple

Assume you have to manage multiple VP’s expectations and outcomes (Sales, Marketing, Support etc), Company’s OKRs, and investors (or) board, will you have more time to dedicate to Engineering Productivity?

In these cases, technical debt can quickly grow, which will slowly kill your team’s productivity. Technical debt can have many negative consequences:

  • More bugs for your team to fix
  • Lower code quality—not only bugs but also worse code design
  • Harder to debug code
  • Scalability issues
  • A decline in overall happiness and job satisfaction

To avoid all of these scenarios, you should measure the engineering team’s efficiency and avoid technical debt buildup. Avoiding these problems before they occur is an excellent Occam’s razor.  But addressing them head-on will have a significant impact on your organisation, both materially and culturally. 

In addition to preventing your team’s productivity from going down, the engineering productivity approach allows you to experiment with various approaches to try and improve throughput & efficiency. 

So, the goal is to improve the engineering process itself. For example, introducing new tools or applying new techniques. Next, you can measure the impact of these changes on your team’s productivity.

In the next part, I will write down on how can measurement improve engineering productivity, Stay Tuned!


  1. Survivorship Bias. 
  2. Cycle Time
  3. Release Frequency
  4. Detailed QA Metrics to ponder (in addition to No: of bugs)
  5. Review to Merge Time
  6. Context Switching 
College Students Develop "Rocket Motors" In Tamil Nadu

College Students Develop "Rocket Motors" In Tamil Nadu


Well, Its not really a rocket motor , but a motor used onboard rockets, 

And its by a team composing of faculty and students of VIT and AU. 

Appreciation and Critical Point
Yes its an achievement for the stdent folk and needs to be appreciated, but I’ll certainly say the staff of the universites shouldn’t get sloppy after 2-3 innovations to account for the DRDO/ISRO Collobration funds in addition to CSIR funds,  we need more and more turnkey solutions coming out of our universities to mainstearm Indian economy.
The News Piece:

Students of an engineering college here have developed for the first time in the country, two special brushless motors, which will form an important part in the soon to be launched GSLV rocket. These motors were previously being imported by Indian Space Research Organisation.

A prototype of this motor was displayed by the students of Sona College of Technology to ISRO scientists at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VVSC) and ISRO’s inertial systems unit (IISU) at Thiruvanthapuram.

The first motor, which will be placed in the rocket nozzle for controlling its direction, is a 32 newton metre, 1000 rotations per minute quadruplex brushless DC torque motor, Director of Sona Special Power Electronics and Electric Drives (SSPEED) said.

The second, for controlling the rotation of the panels in a satellite, is a 2 newton metre, 50 rotations per minute slotless brushless DC motor. It will be used in the scan mechanism of microwave analysis detection of rain and atmospheric structures for the Megha Tropiques Spacecraft.

ISRO’s inertial systems unit needed ‘cog free’ motors to enhance the performance of precision scanning mechanisms in spacecraft and SSPEED had met all the required parameters, he said.

Prof Kannan said this was a “unique” achievement by an institution, which designed and developed an aerospace quality component for actual use in ISRO’s satellites and rockets. “This would save precious foreign exchange and provide valuable technical know how,” he said.

Source: Press Trust of India

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