GitLab hits back on GitHub with a visual issue tracking board!
The startup today introduced an issue tracking feature for its fast-growing code hosting platform that promises to help development teams organize the features, enhancements and other items on their to-do lists more effectively.
The GitLab Issue Board is a sleek graphical panel that provides the ability to display tasks as digital note cards and sort them into neat columns each representing a different part of the application lifecycle. By default, new panels start only with a “Backlog” section for items still in the queue and a “Done” list that shows completed tasks, but users are able to easily add more tabs if necessary. GitLab says that the tool makes it possible to break up a view into as many as 10 different segments if need be, which should be enough for even the most complex software projects.
An enterprise development team working on an internal client-server service, for instance, could create separate sections to hold backend tasks, issues related to the workload’s desktop client and user experience bugs. Users with such crowded boards can also take advantage of GitLab’s built in tagging mechanism to label each item with color-coded tags denoting its purpose. The feature not only helps quickly make sense of the cards on a given board but also makes it easier to find specific items in the process. When an engineer wants to check if there are new bug fix requests concerning their part of a project, they can simply filter the board view based on the appropriate tags.