Tag: bubble

Is the AI Boom Overhyped? A Look at Potential Challenges

Is the AI Boom Overhyped? A Look at Potential Challenges


The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has fueled excitement and hyper-investment. However, concerns are emerging about inflated expectations, not just the business outcomes, but also from the revenue side of the things.. This article explores potential challenges that could hinder widespread AI adoption and slow down the current boom.

The AI Hype:

AI has made significant strides, but some experts believe we might be overestimating its near-future capabilities. The recent surge in AI stock prices, particularly Nvidia’s, reflects this optimism. Today, it’s the third-most-valuable company globally, with an 80% share in AI chips—processors central to the largest and fastest value creation in history, amounting to $8 trillion. Since OpenAI released ChatGPT in October 2022, Nvidia’s value has surged by $2 trillion, equivalent to Amazon’s total worth. This week, Nvidia reported stellar quarterly earnings, with its core business—selling chips to data centres—up 427% year-over-year.

Bubble Talk:

History teaches us that bubbles form when unrealistic expectations drive prices far beyond a company or a sector’s true value. The “greater fool theory” explains how people buy assets hoping to sell them at a higher price to someone else, even if the asset itself has no inherent value. This mentality often fuels bubbles, which can burst spectacularly. I am sure you’ve read about the Dutch Tulip Mania, if not please help yourself to an amusing read here and here.

AI Bubble or Real Deal?:

The AI market holds undeniable promise, but is it currently overvalued? Let’s look at past bubbles for comparison:

  • Dot-com Bubble: The Internet revolution was real, but many companies were wildly overvalued. While some thrived, others crashed. – Crazy story about the dotcom bubble
  • Housing Bubble: Underlying factors like limited land contributed to the housing bubble, but speculation inflated prices beyond sustainability.
  • Cryptocurrency Bubble: While blockchain technology has potential, some cryptocurrencies like Bored Apes were likely fueled by hype rather than utility.

The AI Bubble’s Fragility:

The current AI boom shares similarities with past bubbles:

  • Rapid Price Increases: AI stock prices have skyrocketed, disconnected from current revenue levels.
  • Speculative Frenzy: The “fear of missing out” (FOMO) mentality drives new investors into the market, further inflating prices.
  • External Factors: Low interest rates can provide cheap capital that fuels bubbles.

Nvidia’s rich valuation is ludicrous — its market cap now exceeds that of the entire FTSE 100, yet its sales are less than four per cent of that index

The Coming Downdraft?

While AI’s long-term potential is undeniable, a correction is likely. Here’s one possible scenario:

  • A major non-tech company announces setbacks with its AI initiatives. This could trigger a domino effect, leading other companies to re-evaluate their AI investments.
  • Analyst downgrades and negative press coverage could further dampen investor confidence.
  • A “stampede for the exits” could ensue, causing a rapid decline in AI stock prices.

Learning from History:

The dot-com bubble burst when economic concerns spooked investors. The housing bubble collapsed when it became clear prices were unsustainable. We can’t predict the exact trigger for an AI correction, but history suggests it’s coming.

The Impact of a Burst Bubble:

The collapse of a major bubble can have far-reaching consequences. The 2008 financial crisis, triggered by the housing bubble, offers a stark reminder of the potential damage.

Beyond the Bubble:

Even if a bubble bursts, AI’s long-term potential remains. Here’s a thought-provoking comparison:

  • Cisco vs. Amazon: During the dot-com bubble, Cisco, a “safe” hardware company, was seen as a better investment than Amazon, a risky e-commerce startup. However, Amazon ultimately delivered far greater returns.


While the AI boom is exciting, it’s crucial to be aware of potential bubble risks. Investors should consider a diversified portfolio and avoid chasing short-term gains. Also please be wary of the aftershocks. Even if the market corrects by 20% or even 30% the impact won’t be restricted to AI portfolios. There would be a funding winter of sorts, hire freezes and all the broader ecosystem impacts.

The true value of AI will likely be revealed after the hype subsides.

References and Further Reading

  1. Precedence Research – The Growing AI Chip Market
  2. Bloomberg – AI Boom and Market Speculation
  3. PRN – The AI Investment Surge
  4. The Economist – AI Revenue Projections
  5. Russel Investments – Understanding Market Bubbles
  6. CFI – Dutch Tulip Market Bubble

How to Disable an Adblocker-blocker or Create an Anti-Adblock Killer!

How to Disable an Adblocker-blocker or Create an Anti-Adblock Killer!

History & Theory:

Digital Advertisement:

I get it. Ads are a necessary evil in content delivery game. Hell, I have been in the engineering side of content delivery for 10 yrs myself.  So, back in the days of #dotcom #bubble, we endured Banner ADs. When the #BigBrother, oops #Google came up, they swept the market clean with their (initially, atleast) non-intrusive text ADs. And people even appreciated the contextual advertisement, just when you were searching for a suspension for your car, you see 4 different ADs for OEM grade replacement suspension, grease monkeys to install them and so on.
Fast forward 10 yrs and Google is the global powerhouse of advertisement. Google knows what your mothers’ cousin` once removed does like and runs ads tailored to it in no less than 50 websites run by Google and countless other affiliates. The convenience transformed itself into a mild hindrance and a major nuisance in no time.  In its core, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo ADs were all based on a relevance relevance engine. I.E. based on the content that is currently served by the publisher (website you’re visiting) they search for the relevant ADs from their database and one that matches and has the target profile matching yours (this is where privacy advocates go crazy) they serve this AD. In its simplest form the process look something like the below diagram.

ADsense process diagram
Contextual Advertisement – Process Flow (ADSense/ADWords)

For the inquisitive lot, who want to know the technicality, it looks a lot more complex than this and it is presented below.
Tentative Process flow of How ADWords and ADSense content advertisement happens.

Enter ADBlockers:

And soon, people found a way to block the ADs. As seen above, All of these Adverts are programmed to run using great stores of data from the backend. So, when a user visits site a lot happens in the backend and a script is used get the resultant AD piece. Technically inclined people started writing custom scripts that would stop this script which renders the ADs. In no time all the bells and whistles like #blacklist #whitelist #regular-expression support all came in. Once the modern browser came with support for content filtering built-in, it was easy to supplement them with custom lists and scripts to block these ads. And ADBlockers for every device, OS, browsers became available and public knowledge of the same exploded their use in around 2013-2015 period. (see graph below) . So, All seems rosy from here.


Publishers and their representative trade bodies, on the other hand, argue that Internet ads provide revenue to website owners, which enable the website owners to create or otherwise purchase content for the website. Publishers claim that the prevalent use of ad blocking software and devices could adversely affect website owner revenue and thus in turn lower the availability of free content on websites. So, there is no wonder that publishers have begun to block or evict users found to be using #ADBlockers. (A page from my personal experience, I do not remember a time when I did not use ADblock, before Mozilla, I used MyIE (Maxthon) which had this configurable filters). But, off-lately the publishers have become more aggressive and have rolled out a slew of their own warriors. AKA ADBlocker-Blocker. Which are nifty little utilities you can embed in your site and traffic from ADB enabled users will be blocked until they disable or whitelist you.  Some majors like Economist, Wired and others have announced a novel approach, either you can disable ADB on their site or pay a small fee to see their site without the clutter of advertisements. For the sites that do not offer this feature or If you wish to  simply override them, read on.

Practice & Implementation

So, enter Anti-AdBlocker Killer — https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer
It’s simple, really: it tricks sites that use #anti-adblocker technology into thinking you aren’t using an adblocker. The #adblocker-blocker lets you keep your adblocker on when you visit a page that would usually disable it by using a JavaScript file and filter list. This means you can work around bans on adblockers from common news companies, like Forbes, which lock you out when you’re detected.
It works against a number of different technologies used to detect #adblock users, and is likely to be a part of the next #armsrace as publishers work out how to block the #adblockers using #adblocker-blockers. If you’re still reading, I will conclude my narration and give step-by-step instruction on how to enable it and activate.

Step-by-step Instruction to Activate Anti-Adblock Killer

  1. Step 1 – Get a Script Manager:
    1.  Greasemonkey or Scriptish
    2.  Tampermonkey or Native
    3.  Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
    4.  Tampermonkey or NinjaKit
    5.  Tampermonkey
        • (* After installation, depending on your browser, may require a browser restart for it to effect)
  2. Step 2 – Subscribe to a FilterList
    1. Subscribe from github.com (I prefer this)
    2. Subscribe from reeksite.com 
      • At this point, if you chose Github list, you’ll be prompted with a list of Extension and you can chose to Manualy install AAKiller. (representative screenshot is shown below) 
  3. Step 3 – Get User Scripts
    1. Install from greasyfork.org
    2. Install from openuserjs.org
    3. Install from github.com
    4. Install from reeksite.com

Once this is done, you’re on your way to enjoy AD-Blocker pop-up free browsing.
